Tooth-Colored Restorations

Naturally Beautiful Restorations

When treatment for dental disease becomes necessary, you don’t have to compromise the look of your smile. At Rosenfeld Dental Studio, we offer restorations made of leading edge dental materials, including composite resins and strong, durable ceramic. As we restore health and vitality to your teeth, we keep your smile beautiful and all-white.

Composite Resin, Tooth-Colored Fillings

Because composite resins are not made of metal, we can blend and mix shades to find the perfect color to match your natural teeth. This means only you and your dentist will know you have fillings. Another pro is that the tooth/composite bond actually supports the remaining tooth structure, deterring breakage and insulating against temperature changes. Best of all, composite resins allow us to keep more of your natural tooth structure intact than amalgams. We believe in conservative dentistry – the more natural tooth structure you keep, the better teeth you’ll likely have in the future.

Anterior Tooth Colored Restoration


Posterior Tooth Colored Restoration



Trauma Repair

Case 1


Case 2


* Click photos below to view more before and after images. All dental work and photography by Dr. Rosenfeld. 

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Where to Find Us

Call: (201) 666-8080

197 Kinderkamack Rd
Westwood, NJ 07675


197 Kinderkamack Rd|
Westwood, NJ 07675

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